What are the benefits of using individual logins for each pupil on Purple Mash?

Updated by Matt Besant

Using group logins, where many pupils log into one account, may at first appear to be an efficient way to access Purple Mash due to only requiring one username and password across the classroom.

However, having individual logins for each pupil will enable you to do the following on Purple Mash:

  • Set 2Do's (tasks) for pupils to complete, view these, leave a comment and then reset the task (a great way to see/show progression).
  • Use the collaborative tools such as: 2Write, 2Email, 2Blog, 2Investigate, 2Connect and display boards.
  • Assess scores using the score reports e.g. for 2Code, 2Quiz and some of the games and apps.
  • Create and assess pupil progress via adding judgments and using data dashboard to view and create progression reports.
  • Give awards and feedback individually, both via text or verbally, on pieces of work
  • View which pupil completed a piece of work.
  • Pupils can save to their own folder and teacher view content at any time.

Many of these features might not be used to their full potential if all pupils log into one account.

For example, when many pupils log into one account to carry out a 2Do, they might overwrite one another's work when they click on save. 

You may also have difficulty in knowing who sent an email using 2Email if all pupils are logging into one account, and who made changes to collaborative projects. This has E-safety implications.

When setting up users, we recommend using MIS Sync from your school database. You can do this manually by populating our template Excel spreadsheet, and then uploading this via the import wizard in Manage Users.

Individual logins for pupils can be made age-appropriate, where younger pupils can have very simple login credentials, and older pupils have more complex ones. There are a range of password options, we recommend picture logins for younger pupils (combined with quick login shortcut, then pupils can login without typing anything). See "Can I use easy or simple passwords for younger pupils?"

For more on this, please see: How can I learn more about user management?

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