Can I use easy or simple Passwords for younger Pupils?

Updated by Matt Besant

For younger pupils, we recommend using a 2-digit or 4-digit picture pin, rather than a traditional password.

Picture pins work on tablets or desktops and display animals above each number. The animals help pupils remember what to type when logging in. 

A sample login card for a pupil using picture pins would look like this:

You can change existing passwords to Picture Pins, by following these steps: Change Pupil Passwords

Although pupils can use a keyboard to type the numbers (as they are ready to do so), the screen will also display a login pad of animals that they can use their mouse (or touchscreen) to select in the correct order.

If a pupil has a 2 or 4-digit picture pin, the picture pin pad will appear once a pupil has entered their username, and has clicked into the password field.

If you would like your pupils to avoid having to type their username, pupils can make use of the school's quick login link. You can find about more about this here: What is a School Quick Login?

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