How do I run the MIS Sync wizard?

Updated by Matt Besant

The easiest way to sync your pupil/staff list in Purple Mash with the information stored in your MIS is by running the MIS Sync Wizard.

The wizard enables the creation of new users and facilitates the smooth transition of existing users to their new classes each academic year.

You can find out how to register for MIS Syncing here.

If you are already set up for MIS Syncing, please refer to the steps below to run the MIS Sync Wizard on Purple Mash. We also have a video walkthrough.

  1. Log into Purple Mash and head to the Manage Users section.
Prepare Existing Classes: Ensure that any pre-existing classes in Purple Mash are named exactly as they appear in your MIS to prevent duplicate entries. You can review your Purple Mash class list here, and double click on classes to rename them.

  1. Initiate the MIS Sync Wizard:
    • Within 'Manage Users', select 'Import/Sync' at the top of the page.
    • Choose 'MIS Sync Wizard' from the dropdown menu.

  1. Configure Usernames:
  • Select the desired format for usernames. The default is 'Forename + Surname initial' (e.g., John Smith becomes JohnS).
  • Click 'Next' to proceed.
  1. Set Password Formats:
    • Choose appropriate password formats for pupils. Common choices include 'Two Digit Picture Pin' for younger pupils and 'Picture Pin' for older students.
    • Click 'Next' to continue.
The username and password formats chosen in the first 2 steps of the wizard will only apply to new users being created. Existing users will retain their current login details. To change passwords for existing pupils, you can follow our guide here.
  1. Map Year Groups:
    • Align your MIS year group names with Purple Mash's standard naming conventions (e.g., 'Y6' or 'Year Six' should map to 'Year 6').
    • Click 'Next' after mapping.
  2. Select Subject Groups (if applicable):
    • Tick the subject groups you wish to import.
    • Click 'Next' to proceed.
  3. Review Summary: You will now be shown a summary of the information that will be imported from your MIS. You can find out more about what each line of the summary represents here.
If 'Possible Duplicates' are detected (bottom row), resolve them by clicking the + sign and selecting 'Resolve all duplicates'.
  1. Complete the Sync:
If you encounter a "Users who will not be imported due to errors" message, it may indicate missing email addresses for staff or unassigned registration groups for pupils in your MIS. You can address these issues in your MIS and rerun the wizard or manually add the missing users in Purple Mash.

For further assistance, please contact

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