How do I enable the Quick login link for my Class?

Updated by Emily Mahony

Quick login links should not be shared publicly or placed on any publicly accessible websites.

As an enhanced security measure, teachers will now enable the Quick Login link in Purple Mash for a short period of time to allow pupils to login. When the Quick Login link isn't switched on users will be automatically directed to your school's login page to login.

  1. To enable the quick login link click your avatar icon, and select enable quick login.
  1. You'll then be able to select the enable button to switch on access for 10 minutes.
  1. Once you have clicked enable, the countdown from 10 minutes will begin and the text will change to say enabled.
    • During this period the quick login will authenticate users to the school.
    • Clicking the 'enable' button again will restart the time to 10 minutes
    • If quick login is disabled for your school then you will see a message indicating this.
    Multiple users can enable the quick login at the same time and the time will update for all users within the school.
If you find you're still not seeing the class names after ensuring the quick login link is enabled, you may need to check your school's e-safety settings to see if Allow guest users to login by selecting their class and name from a list, is ticked. Please see this help guide here on how to view your e-safey settings.

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