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6 articles
Please see our detailed guide on how your designated safe guarding lead should be using DotCom in school Download the guide here: DSL_Guide_2021.pdf
Updated 2 years ago by Andrew Wilkinson
If you are an admin user for DotCom you can change the DotCom settings for your school to allow Dot Minutes. Click on your name, and then click on the settings button. You can then tick/untick enable…
E-Journals. When a child logs into DotCom for the first time each day, they will be presented with a feelings journal - along with any projects that have been set for them. This is what the front pag…
Whether you are a new customer looking to populate your account for the first time, or an existing user looking to update with new staff and pupils. Then the easiest way to do this is via the MIS syn…
Updated 2 years ago by Matt Besant
If you are Purple Mash user and a DotCom user, you will need to ensure that you’ve enabled DotCom access to your staff members. To enable DotCom access you must be an admin user for DotCom and Purple…
Setting a project in DotCom. You will be able to set various projects for your pupils in DotCom. To do this go to the teachers area in DotCom and select a year group you’re wanting to set the activit…
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