Parent Guide: How can a child delete a file on Purple Mash

Updated by Matt Besant

Here at Purple Mash support, we are not able to make any changes to your child's Purple Mash account at your request due to data protection laws and security policies. We can only make changes when requested to do so directly by a member of staff at the school.

To delete a file that your child has created, you will first need to log in as them, as pupils can only delete their own work. You can also ask a teacher to carry this out if they are the class teacher for your child, or if they are the admin for Purple Mash at the school.

Please have your child's login details to hand, and if you have any trouble with this please contact the school for help recovering their account, as we are unable to send login cards out to parents in line with data protection laws and security policies.

Once logged in, you can navigate to where the work is saved by clicking on the 'Work' icon at the top of the screen.

If the pupil has saved to their 'My Work' folder, you can simply click on this folder, click on the work that you want to delete, and from the three dot menu on the right hand side select 'Delete'.

Your child may have saved the file in another location, so please also be sure to expand the Class folders or any of the group folders if your child is part of a group on the school's Purple Mash.

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