How do I sign up for a home user account?

Updated by Matt Besant

Signing up:

Please visit Purple Mash Home Users to request a trial, or to sign up for a Purple Mash account.

Making payments:

Whether you're purchasing a new subscription or renewing an existing one for Purple Mash, Serial Mash, or Python in Pieces, you have a couple of ways to make a payment:

  1. Via Email – You’ll receive an email from with a "View Invoice" link. Click this link and select the Online Invoice option to pay by card. New customers receive this email when their 14-day trial begins, while renewing customers receive it when their renewal invoice is generated.
  2. Within Purple Mash – If your account is active, you can access your payment link directly from Purple Mash. Click on the switch menu, and select Order Now to complete your purchase.


If your trial or subscription has expired, there may be a slight delay in reactivating your account.

If you need any assistance with this, please contact

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