Parent: How do I log a child into Purple Mash?

Updated by Matt Besant

To login into Purple Mash at home, a child will need the school portal address, their username, and their password.

A school can provide a login card with this information, an example of a login card is below:


This is the username that the pupil will use to log into Purple Mash.


This is the password that the pupil will use to log into Purple Mash.

Parent Code (optional)

This is your Parent Code which you will use to create your own separate Purple Mash account and then link it to the pupil. This is optional and not required for logging the child in.

Portal Address

This is the URL at the bottom of the card which starts with Each schools portal page is unique.

The Parent Portal is an optional separate account for parents. If you want to learn more about what the Parent Portal is then please see the following: Parent Guide: What is the Parent Portal and how can I register?

Logging in

  1. Navigate to the school's Portal page

This will be located at the bottom of the login card that is usually provided by the school:

If you have not been given a login card by the school, you can find the school's portal page by visiting and clicking on Child.

You should then be able to locate the school's account by searching by name or


The child's login credentials will need to be entered on the portal page for the school. Entering the pupils login details on the Purple Mash homepage will not work as this is only for teachers and for Parent Portal logins.
  1. Enter the pupils username and password, then click Log In.

For security reasons the support team at 2Simple can not supply a pupil's login details to a non-administrator of a school's Purple Mash account, such as a parent, guardian, or relative of a child. If the child's username and password do not work then please contact your child's teacher or school administrator to obtain your child's login details.

If you have any queries about this process, please contact us:

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